Tuesday 21 May 2013


How sad, Lawyer Mutula Kilonzo,
That you are gone, shockingly so soon,
Before you could help implement the constitution,
And its Integrity and devolution provisions,
That you fought so hard to have implemented;

We don’t yet know what sent you to the grave so early
And we may never know for sure, like in other cases before,
But we have a message for you to bravely bear
To the great Kenyans who went before you.

Please tell Pio Gama Pinto, JM Kariuki, Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko,
That the Commissions set up to unravel cause of their deaths,
never yielded any results of their deaths to date,
And most of the witnesses and associated investigators,
Also went, in circumstances that were not any different.

The Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC),
That was supposed to help bring change and heal the nation
Has manipulated the views of Kenyan and gone to bed with the oppressors

Tell Jaramogi that, as he wrote many years ago,
It is Not Yet Uhuru in Kenya, 50 year on,
And that despite him fighting so hard to create democratic space,
His son Raila, who suffered long years in detention,
Lost his bid, a third time, again to become the president
And that IEBC and the Supreme Court, did not help either,
In advancing confidence in our democratic growth,
Instead, made the country more deeply divided.

Tell Wangari Maathai, that Raila lost his bid for the presidency,
Partly because he defended the conservation of the Mau Complex
And now we are not sure if Karura will survive much longer
No environmental champion has emerged to replace her.

Tell former ECK Chairman Samwel Kivuitu and his former deputy Kihara Mutu
That IEBC led by Isaack Hassan, did not perform any better,
And are again in the eye of the storm, for failing the digital exams
That this time, Raila took his protests to The Supreme Court,
That gave, in three minutes, a brilliant summary judgment,
 But is now itself crying for justice from the social media bloggers

Tell Jomo Kenyatta, that his son Uhuru,  is back to State House
Where he grew up and got shielded from the experiences of most Kenyans
And that like his father, has settled on a Kalenjin V.P, William Ruto
To bring lasting peace and sort out the land question for good
And make the Kalenjin and Kikuyus, forever sing in solidarity and live peacefully.

Tell Michuki matatu manambas no longer dress in uniform,
And that the famous snake he talked about,
Has bitten many people who have rattled it.
Tell Karume, that his former defense portfolio
Has been given to a woman, Rachelle Omamo,
And that our soldiers are now in Somalia, pursuing the Al- Shabab.

Tell Saitoti and Ojode, that pilot error causes d their deaths
And Kaplana Raval, whose committee investigated their deaths,
Will replace Nancy Baraza as the Deputy Chief Justice
and that finally, Uhuru Kenyatta was elected the president
As former President Moi ably advised Kenyans in 2002,
Mohammed Ali and John Allan Namu of Jicho Pevu finally
Gave us an expose, informing us that the two of them, were killed.

Please tell the late Knut Secretary General Ambrose Adeya  Adongo
Teachers are still waiting for their pay hike he pushed for in 97
And tell Wamalwa Kijana his famous brother Eugene
Got lost and Mudavadi was named “madimoni” and
So the Luhya community lacks leadership.
Tell Masinde Muliro that Muliro Gardens in Kakamega,
Is now is an open air lodging, and a moral eye sore.

Tell Bishops Alexander Muge and John Henry Okullu,
That the Church lost its moral authority and momentum,
To speak about democracy and reform,
And now peddle falsehood and promote ethnicity

Rest in peace  Wakili Mutula Kilonzo. AMEN!

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